Caring for Your Precious Silver Jewellery!

To maintain the beauty and shine of your silver jewellery, it’s essential to follow these care tips: -
*Cleaning: * Use a non-abrasive toothpaste or Colgate tooth powder to gently clean your silver. Apply a small amount with a soft cloth or toothbrush, then rinse thoroughly with water. Ensure the jewellery is completely dry before storing, as moisture can accelerate tarnishing.
*Proper Storage: * Store silver jewellery in airtight containers or zip-lock bags to minimize air exposure. Keep each piece in a soft pouch or separate compartment to prevent scratching or tangling.
*Handling and Wearing: * Avoid exposure to moisture, chlorine, or chemicals. Always remove silver jewellery before swimming or using cleaning agents. Apply lotions, perfumes, or sprays before putting on your silver to avoid residue build-up.
*Tarnish Prevention: * For intricate pieces, you can apply a thin coat of clear nail polish to create a protective barrier. Reapply as needed.
*Seek Professional Help: * If a stone falls out or a piece is damaged, contact a professional silversmith for repair.
By following these steps, your silver jewellery will stay radiant and well-preserved with minimal effort.
By Puja Malik